[Back to Fitt 21]
Fitt 22
1837b He im thô bêðiu befalh
1838 ge te seggennea | sînom uuordun,
1839 huuô man himilrîki | gehalon scoldi,
1840 uuîdbrêdan uuelan, | gia he im geuuald fargaf,
1841 that sie môstin hêlean | halte endi blinde,
1842 liudeo lêfhêdi, | legarbed manag,
1843 suâra suhti, | giac he im selb=o gebôd,
1844 that sie at ênigumu manne | mêde ne nâmin,
1845 diurie mêðmos: | `gehuggead gi', quað he, -- `huand iu is thiu dâd cuman,
1846 that geuuit endi the uuîsdôm, | endi iu thea geuuald fargib=id
1847 alloro firiho fadar, | sô gi sie ni thurb=un mid ênigo feho côpon,
1848 mêdean mid ênigun mêðmun, | -- sô uuesat gi iro mannun forð
1849 an iuuuon hugiskeftiun | helpono mildea,
1850 lêread gi liudio barn | langsamna râd,
1851 fruma forðuuardes; | firinuuerc lahad,
1852 suâra sundeon. | Ne lâtad iu silob=ar nec gold
1853 uuihti thes uuirðig, | that it eo an iuuua geuuald cuma,
1854 fagara fehoscattos: | it ni mag iu te ênigoro frumu huuergin,
1855 uuerðan te ênigumu uuilleon. | Ne sculun gi geuuâdeas than mêr
1856 erlos êgan, | bûtan sô gi than an hebbean,
1857 gumon te gareuuea, | than gi gangan sculun
1858 an that gimang innan. | Neo gi umbi iuuuan meti ni sorgot,
1859 leng umbi iuuua lîfnare, | huand thene lêreand sculun
1860 fôdean that folcskepi: | thes sint thea fruma uuerða,
1861 leob=lîkes lônes, | the hi them liudiun sagad.
1862 Uuirðig is the uurhteo, | that man ina uuel fôdea,
1863 thana man mid môsu, | the sô managoro scal
1864 seola bisorgan | endi an thana sîð spanen,
1865 gêstos an godes uuang. | That is grôtara thing,
1866 that man bisorgon scal | seolun managa,
1867 huô man thea gehalde | te heb=enrîkea,
1868 than man thene lîchamon | liudibarno
1869 môsu bimorna. | Bethiu man sculun
1870 haldan thene holdlîco, | the im te heb=enrîkea
1871 thene uueg uuîsit | endi sie uuamscaðun,
1872 feondun uuitfâhit | endi firinuuerc lahid,
1873 suâra sundeon. | Nu ic iu sendean scal
1874 aftar thesumu landskepie | sô lamb undar uulb=os:
1875 sô sculun gi undar iuuua fîund faren, | undar filu theodo,
1876 undar mislîke man. | Hebbead iuuuan môd uuiðar them
1877 sô glauuan tegegnes, | sô samo sô the geluuo uurm,
1878 nâdra thiu fêha, | thar siu iro nîðskepies,
1879 uuitodes uuânit, | that man iu undar themu uuerode ne mugi
1880 besuîcan an themu sîðe. | Far thiu gi sorgon sculun,
1881 that iu thea man ni mugin | môdgethâhti,
1882 uuillean auuardien. | Uuesat iu so uuara uuiðar thiu,
1883 uuið iro fêcneon dâdiun, | sô man uuiðar fîundun scal.
1884 Than uuesat gi eft an iuuuon dâdiun | dûb=on gelîca,
1885 hebbead uuið erlo gehuene | ênfaldan hugi,
1886 mildean môdseb=on, | that thar man negên
1887 thurh iuuua dâdi | bedrogan ne uuerðe,
1888 besuican thurh iuuua sundea. | Nu sculun gi an thana sîð faran,
1889 an that ârundi: | thar sculun gi arb=idies sô filu
1890 getholon undar theru thiod | endi gethuing sô samo
1891 manag endi mislîc, | huand gi an mînumu namon
1892 thea liudi lêreat. | Bethiu sculun gi thar lêðes filu
1893 fora uueroldcuningun, | uuîteas antfâhan.
1894 Oft sculun gi thar for rîkea | thurh thius mîn rehtun uuord
1895 gebundane standen | endi bêðiu gethologean,
1896 ge hosc ge harmquidi: | umbi that ne lâtad gi iuuuan hugi tuîflon,
1897 seb=on suîcandean: | gi ni thurb=un an ênigun sorgun uuesan
1898 an iuuuomu hugi huergin, | than man iu for thea hêri forð
1899 an thene gastseli | gangan hêtid,
1900 huat gi im than tegegnes sculin | gôdoro uuordo,
1901 spâhlîcoro gesprecan, | huand iu thiu spôd cumid,
1902 helpe fon himile, | endi sprikid the hêlogo gêst,
1903 mahtig fon iuuuomu munde. | Bethiu ne andrâdad gi iu thero manno nîð
1904 ne forhteat iro fîundskepi: | thoh sie hebbean iuuuas ferahes geuuald,
1905 that sie mugin thene lîchamon | lîb=u beneotan,
1906 aslahan mid suerdu, | thoh sie theru seolun ne mugun
1907 uuiht auuardean. | Antdrâdad iu uualdand god,
1908 forhtead fader iuuuan, | frummiad gerno
1909 is gebodskepi, | huuand hi hab=ad bêðies giuuald,
1910 liudio lîb=es | endi ôc iro lîchamon
1911 gec thero seolon sô self: | ef gi iuuua an them sîðe tharod
1912 farliosat thurh thesa lêra, | than môtun gi sie eft an themu liohte godes
1913 beforan fîðan, | huuand sie fader iuuua,
1914 haldid hêlag god | an himilrîkea.
[Fitt 23]
[Fitt index]