[Back to Fitt 2]
Fitt 3
159 Thô uuarð that heb=encuninges bodon | harm an is môde,
160 that he is giuuerkes sô | uundron scolda
161 endi that ni uuelda gihuggean, | that ina mahta hêlag god
162 sô alaiungan, | sô he fon êrist uuas,
163 selb=o giuuirkean, | of he sô uueldi.
164 Skerida im thô te uuîtea, | that he ni mahte ênig uuord sprekan,
165 gimahlien mid is mûðu, | `êr than thi magu uuirðid,
166 fon thînero aldero idis | erl afôdit,
167 kindiung giboran | cunnies gôdes,
168 uuânum te thesero uueroldi. | Than scalt thu eft uuord sprekan,
169 hebbean thînaro stemna giuuald; | ni tharft thu stum uuesan
170 lengron huîla.' | Thô uuarð it sân gilêstid sô,
171 giuuorðan te uuâron, | sô thar an them uuîha gisprak
172 engil thes alouualdon: | uuarð ald gumo
173 sprâca bilôsit, | thoh he spâhan hugi
174 bâri an is breostun. | Bidun allan dag
175 that uuerod for them uuîha | endi uundrodun alla,
176 bihuuî he thar sô lango, | lofsâlig man,
177 suuîðo frôd gumo | frâon sînun
178 thionon thorfti, | sô thar êr ênig thegno ni deda,
179 than sie thar at them uuîha | uualdandes geld
180 folmon frumidun. | Thô quam frôd gumo
181 ût fon them alaha. | Erlos thrungun
182 nâhor mikilu: | uuas im niud mikil,
183 huat he im sôd=lîkes | seggean uueldi,
184 uuîsean te uuâron. | He ni mohta thô ênig uuord sprecan,
185 giseggean them gisiðea, | bûtan that he mid is suîðron hand
186 uuîsda them uueroda, that sie ûses uualdandes
187 lêra lêstin. | Thea liudi forstôdun,
188 that he thar habda gegnungo | godcundes huat
189 forsehen selb=o, | thoh he is ni mahti giseggean uuiht,
190 giuuîsean te uuâron. | Thô habda he ûses uualdandes
191 geld gilêstid, | al sô is gigengi uuas
192 gimarcod mid mannun. | Thô uuarð sân aftar thiu maht godes,
193 gicûðid is craft mikil: | uuarð thiu quân ôcan,
194 idis an ira eldiu: | scolda im erb=iuuard,
195 suîðo godcund gumo | gib=iðig uuerðan,
196 barn an burgun. | Bêd aftar thiu
197 that uuîf uurdigiscapu. | Skrêd the uuintar forð,
198 geng thes gêres gital. | Iohannes quam
199 an liudeo lioht: | lîk uuas im scôni,
200 uuas im fel fagar, | fahs endi naglos,
201 uuangun uuârun im uulitige. | Thô fôrun thar uuîse man,
202 snelle tesamne, | thea suâsostun mêst,
203 uundrodun thes uuerkes, | bihuî it gio mahti giuuerðan sô,
204 that undar sô aldun tuêm | ôdan uurði
205 barn an giburdeon, | ni uuâri that it gibod godes
206 selb=es uuâri: | afsuob=un sie garo,
207 that it elcor sô uuânlîc | uuerðan ni mahti.
208 Thô sprak thar ên gifrôdot man, | the sô filo consta
209 uuîsaro uuordo, | habde giuuit mikil,
210 frâgode niudlîco, | huuat is namo scoldi
211 uuesan an thesaro uueroldi: | `mi thunkid an is uuîsu gilîc
212 iac an is gibârea, | that he sî betara than uui,
213 sô ic uuâniu, that ina ûs gegnungo | god fon himila
214 selb=o sendi'. | Thô sprac sân aftar
215 thiu môdar thes kindes, | thiu thana magu habda,
216 that barn an ire barme: | `hêr quam gibod godes', quað siu,
217 `fernun gêre, | furmon uuordu
218 gibôd, that he Iohannes | bi godes lêrun
219 hêtan scoldi. | That ic an mînumu hugi ni gidar
220 uuendean mid uuihti, | of ic is giuualdan môt'.
221 Thô sprac ên gêlhert man, | the ira gaduling uuas:
222 `ne hêt êr giouuiht sô,' quað he, | `aðalboranes
223 ûses cunnies eftho cnôsles. | Uuita kiasan im ôðrana
224 niudsamna namon: | he niate of he môti'.
225 Thô sprac eft the frôdo man, | the thar consta filo mahlian:
226 `ni gib=u ic that te râde,' quað he, | `rinco negênun,
227 that he uuord godes | uuendean biginna;
228 ac uuita is thana fader frâgon, | the thar sô gifrôdod sitit,
229 uuîs an is uuînseli: | thoh he ni mugi ênig uuord sprecan,
230 thoh mag he bi bôcstab=on | brêf geuuirkean,
231 namon giscrîb=an'. | Thô he nâhor geng,
232 legda im êna bôc an barm | endi bad gerno
233 uurîtan uuîslîco | uuordgimerkiun,
234 huat sie that hêlaga barn | hêtan scoldin.
235 Thô nam he thia bôk an hand | endi an is hugi thâhte
236 suîðo gerno te gode: | Iohannes namon
237 uuîslîco giuurêt | endi ôc aftar mid is uuordu gisprac
238 suîðo spâhlîco: | habda im eft is sprâca giuuald,
239 giuuitteas endi uuîsun. | That uuîti uuas thô agangan,
240 hard harmscare, | the im hêlag god
241 mahtig macode, | that he an is môdseb=on
242 godes ni forgâti, | than he im eft sendi is iungron tô.
[Fitt 4]
[Fitt index]