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Fitt 27

2231b Thuo uuas thar uuerodes filo
2232 allaro elithiodo cuman | te them êron Cristes,
2233 te mahtiges mundburd. | Thuo uuelda hie thar êna meri lîðan,
2234 thie godes suno mid is iungron | aneb=an Galilealand,
2235 uualdand ênna uuâgo strôm. | Thuo hiet hie that uuerod ôðar
2236 ford=uuerdes faran, | endi hie giuuêt im fahora sum
2237 an ênna nacon innan, | neriendi Crist,
2238 slâpan sîðuuôrig. | Segel up dâdun
2239 uuederuuîsa uueros, | lietun uuind after
2240 manon ob=ar thena meristrôm, | unthat hie te middean quam,
2241 uualdand mid is uuerodu. | Thuo bigan thes uuedares craft,
2242 ûst up stîgan, | ûðiun uuahsan;
2243 suang gisuerc an gimang: | thie sêu uuarð an hruoru,
2244 uuan uuind endi uuater; | uueros sorogodun,
2245 thiu meri uuarð muodag, | ni uuânda thero manno nigên
2246 lengron lîb=es. | Thuo sia landes uuard
2247 uuekidun mid iro uuordon | endi sagdun im thes uuedares craft,
2248 bâdun that im ginâðig | neriendi Crist
2249 uurði uuið them uuatare: | `eftha uui sculun hier te uunderquâlu
2250 sueltan an theson sêuue.' | Self up arês
2251 thie guodo godes suno | endi te is iungron sprak,
2252 hiet that sia im uuedares giuuin | uuiht ni andrêdin:
2253 `te huî sind gi forhta?' quathie. | `Nis iu noh fast hugi,
2254 gilôb=o is iu te luttil. | Nis nu lang te thiu,
2255 that thia strômos sculun | stilrun uuerðan
2256 gi thit uuedar uunsam.' | Tho hi te them uuinde sprac
2257 ge te themu sêuua self | endi sie smultro hêt
2258 bêðea gebârean. | Sie gibod lêstun,
2259 uualdandes uuord: | uueder stillodun,
2260 fagar uuarð an flôde. | Thô bigan that folc undar im,
2261 uuerod uundraian, | endi suma mid iro uuordun sprâkun,
2262 huilic that mahtigoro | manno uuâri,
2263 that imu the uuind endi the uuâg | uuordu hôrdin,
2264 bêðea is gibodskepies. | Thô habda sie that barn godes
2265 ginerid fan theru nôdi: | the naco furðor skreid,
2266 hôh hurnidskip; | heliðos quâmun,
2267 liudi te lande, | sagdun lof gode,
2268 mâridun is megincraft. | Quam thar manno filu
2269 angegin themu godes sunie; | he sie gerno antfeng,
2270 huene thar mid hluttru hugi | helpa sôhte;
2271 lêrde sie iro gilôb=on | endi iro lîchamon
2272 handun hêlde: | nio the man hardo ni uuas
2273 gisêrit mid suhtiun: | thoh ina Satanases
2274 fêknea iungoron | fîundes craftu
2275 habdin undar handun | endi is hugiskefti,
2276 giuuit auuardid, | that he uuôdiendi
2277 fôri undar themu folke, | thoh im simbla ferh fargaf
2278 hêlandeo Crist, | ef he te is handun quam,
2279 drêf thea diub=las thanan | drohtines craftu,
2280 uuârun uuordun, | endi im is geuuit fargaf,
2281 lêt ina than hêlan | uuiðer hetteandun,
2282 gaf im uuið thie fîund friðu, | endi im forð giuuêt
2283 an huilic thero lando, | im than leob=ost uuas.
[Fitt 28] [Fitt index]