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Fitt 29

2357 hêlde he thea haltun man | endi thea hâb=on self,
2358 bôtta, them thar blinde uuârun, | lêt sie that berhte lioht,
2359 sinscôni sehan, | sundea lôsda,
2360 gumono grimuuerk. | Ni uuas gio Iudeono bethiu,
2361 lêðes liudskepies | gilôb=o thiu betara
2362 an thene hêlagon Crist, | ac habdun im hardene môd,
2363 suîðo starkan strîd, | farstandan ni uueldun,
2364 that sie habdun forfangan | fîundun an uuillean,
2365 liudi mid iro gelôb=un. | Ni uuas gio thiu latoro bethiu
2366 sunu drohtines, | ac he sagde mid uuordun,
2367 huô sie scoldin gehalon | himiles rîki,
2368 lêrde aftar themu lande, | habde imu thero liudio filu
2369 giuuenid mid is uuordun, | that im uuerod mikil,
2370 folc folgoda, | endi he im filu sagda,
2371 be biliðiun that barn godes, | thes sie ni mahtun an iro breostun farstandan,
2372 undarhuggean an iro herton, | êr it im the hêlago Crist
2373 ob=ar that erlo folc | oponun uuordun
2374 thurh is selb=es craft | seggean uuelda,
2375 mârean huat he mênde. | Thar ina megin umbi,
2376 thioda thrungun: uuas im tharf mikil
2377 te gihôrienne | heb=encuninges
2378 uuârfastun uuord. | He stôd imu thô bi ênes uuatares staðe,
2379 ni uuelde thô bi themu gethringe | ob=ar that thegno folc
2380 an themu lande uppan | thea lêra cûðean,
2381 ac geng imu thô the gôdo | endi is iungaron mid imu,
2382 friðubarn godes, | themu flôde nâhor
2383 an ên skip innan, | endi it scalden hêt
2384 lande rûmur, | that ina thea liudi filu,
2385 thioda ni thrungi. | Stôd thegan manag,
2386 uuerod bi themu uuatare, | thar uualdand Crist
2387 ob=ar that liudio folc | lêra sagde:
2388 `huat, ik iu seggean mag', | quað he, `gesîðos mîne,
2389 huô imu ên erl bigan | an erðu sâian
2390 hrêncorni mid is handun. | Sum it an hardan stên
2391 ob=anuuardan fel, | erðon ni habda,
2392 that it thar mahti uuahsan | eftha uurteo gifâhan,
2393 kînan eftha biclîb=en, | ac uuarð that corn farloren,
2394 that thar an theru lêian gilag. | Sum it eft an land bifel,
2395 an erðun aðalcunnies: | bigan imu aftar thiu
2396 uuahsen uuânlîco | endi uurteo fâhan,
2397 lôd an lustun: | uuas that land gôd,
2398 frânisco gifehod. | Sum it eft bifallen uuarð
2399 an êna starca strâtun, | thar stôpon gengun,
2400 hrosso hôfslaga | endi heliðo trâda;
2401 uuarð imu thar an erðu | endi eft up gigeng,
2402 bigan imu an themu uuege uuahsen; | thô it eft thes uuerodes farnam,
2403 thes folkes fard mikil | endi fuglos alâsun,
2404 that is themu êcsan uuiht | aftar ni môste
2405 uuerðan te uuillean, | thes thar an thene uueg bifel.
2406 Sum uuarð it than bifallen, | thar filu stôdun
2407 thiccero thorno | an themu dage;
2408 uuarð imu thar an erðu | endi eft up gigeng,
2409 kên imu thar endi clib=ode. | Thô slôgun thar eft crûd an gimang,
2410 uueridun imu thene uuastom: | habda it thes uualdes hlea
2411 forana ob=arfangan, | that it ni mahte te ênigaro frumu uuerðen,
2412 ef it thea thornos | thringan môstun.'
2413 Thô sâtun endi suîgodun | gesîðos Cristes,
2414 uuordspâha uueros: | uuas im uundar mikil,
2415 be huilicun biliðiun | that barn godes
2416 sulic sôðlîc spel | seggean bigunni.
2417 Thô bigan is thero erlo | ên frâgoian
2418 holdan hêrron, | hnêg imu tegegnes
2419 tulgo uuerðlico: | `huat, thu geuuald hab=as', quað he,
2420 `ia an himile ia an erðu, | hêlag drohtin,
2421 uppa endi niðara, | bist thu alouualdo
2422 gumono gêsto, | endi uui thîne iungaron sind,
2423 an ûsumu hugi holde. | Hêrro the gôdo,
2424 ef it thîn uuilleo sî, | lât ûs thînaro uuordo thar
2425 endi gihôrien, | that uui it aftar thi
2426 ob=ar al cristinfolc | cûðean môtin.
2427 Uui uuitun that thînun uuordun | uuârlîc biliði
2428 forð folgoiad, | endi ûs is firinun tharf,
2429 that uui thîn uuord endi thîn uuerk, -- | huand it fan sulicumu geuuittea cumid --
2430 that uui it an thesumu lande at thi | lînon môtin.'
[Fitt 30] [Fitt index]